Original file size:

Compressed file size:

This CSS Minifier tool is designed to help you compress your CSS code and make it more efficient. Simply enter your raw CSS code into the input field, click the "Compress" button, and the tool will remove all unnecessary whitespace, comments, and other characters.

If you want to start over, simply click the "Clear" button to clear the input field.

The output container will show the compressed code with a label "Output". You can copy the compressed code to your clipboard using the "Copy to Clipboard" button, or download the file with the "Download" button.

Additionally, you can check the size of your original file and the compressed file using the two span tags - "Original file size" and "Compressed file size". These sizes will help you track the changes in your code.

Overall, this CSS Minifier tool is a convenient and user-friendly way to compress your CSS code and make it more efficient.